Thursday, February 17, 2011


Arab regimes in the falling race...Bahrain Vs Libya

Green Revolution

I don't like the green revolution in Iran....i prefer to call it the Wanna be white revolution in Iran.....

The 2006 Hezbollah-Israeli War

Why don't we let the combined arms at the U.S Army be the judge:

“Hezbollah proved to be a highly dedicated and professional fighting
force, armed with some of the most advanced weapon systems in the
world. There can be no doubt that the IDF greatly underestimated its
opponent. From 2000 to 2006, Hezbollah successfully embraced a new
doctrine, transforming itself from a predominantly guerrilla force into
a formidable quasi-conventional fighting force.”  Page 63

“Israel failed on the strategic, operational, and tactical
levels. Israel did not succeed in generating decapitation,
paralysis, blindness, or any other effect that substantially
harms the will or functioning of the organization’s
command and control echelon. Nor did it succeed in
suppressing the operational effectiveness of Hizbollah’s
combat groups and light surface-to-surface rocket
formations. At the end of the day, Israel did not upset
the equilibrium of Hizbollah’s system and did not create
a sense of helplessness and distress, nor did it push the
organization towards cognitive-strategic collapse and a
drive to end the war immediately on Israel’s terms” 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

social justice and freedom of expression

Social justice is as equal as freedom of cannot criticize Hezbollah for not supporting the green revolution...and then express your support or even appease the neo-liberal economic policies of the american camp.

Neo Liberals and Democracy

Things do not revolve only around democracy; Democracy should always come among other concerns.
Listening to Arab liberals scrutinizing the Egyptian revolutions makes me want to yell…so here I am yelling on the internet.
How can anybody with the least amount of critical thinking identify American backed, puppet led “revolutions” (Cedar revolution – which name was picked by no other than Paula Dobriansky the undersecretary of state for global affairs – those Phoenicians couldn’t even name their revolution) with the authentic popular nationwide revolutions such as the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions.
How can anybody call that bourgeois gathering in 2005 “a revolution against oppression that should be equally supported as the Egyptian and Tunisian revolution”
The people of Egypt revolted against the whole regime their slogans were clear sharp and authentic – Freedom, Dignity and social justice. When Mubarak declared Omar Sleiman as Vice president the crowds chanted live on TV “No Mubarak, No Sleiman both are American Agents” (it rhymes in Arabic).
·         What can you say about that bunch of sects who refused the Syrian army but accepted the leadership of the puppets who served the Syrians?
·         What can you say about the rebels who chose the son of the prime minister as a prime minister? (we can call it a rebellious despotic choice)
·         What can you say about the rebels (many of them) who cheered for the neoliberal economic recipes?  (we can call it rebellious sectarian blindness)
·         What can you say about a green revolution led by no other than Meer Moussawi – Khomeini’s right hand?  Are we supposed to believe that the guy suddenly became a vivid supporter of freedom?
I am no fan of either the Syrian or the Iranian regime but I do not trust any of these so called rebels and neither should any resistance movement.
Revolutions that do not identify Israel and American Imperialism as the first danger to the Arab people are not worth of our support.

كَرَوان حيران

يا اللي بتنادي أليفك والفؤاد حيران عليه
لمّا شاف في الجوّ طيفك وأنت بتنادي عليه
بان عليه الوجد وازدادت شجونه
والأمل في القرب منك زاد حنينه
رقّ قلبه ومال إليك
ردّ من شوقه عليك
كَرَوان حيران سابح في نور القمر
والكون نعسان حتى الطيور ع الشجر
إلاّ اللي فاض بُه الشوق والنوح
ِولمّا ناداه حبيب الروح
رقّ قلبه ومال إليه
ردّ من شوقه عليه
هايم ينادي حبيبه من غير ما يعرف فين
وإن كان ح يسمع نحيبه تحتار تشوفه العين
نادى وغنّى من طول أساه
وكان حبيبه سامع نداه
رقّ قلبه ومال إليه
ردّ من شوقه عليه

تاريخ: 1925
كلمات: احمد رامي
الحان: محمد عبدالوهاب
مقام: نوا اثر